Hey everyone, I would just like to
say a few more things about the contest. The winner of this contest
is whoever can send in the correct submission with all the required
info first. If after a given amount of time people are still having
trouble, I will be giving out hints, and they will be posted in the
News. I will be giving out hints whenever I feel like it, so you should
check back at the DBZ Network periodically. So the next hint could
be tomorrow..or in another week. And also, if no one is able to provide
me with all the required info in an extended amount of time, I will
announce in the news that whoever can send me the MOST answers/info
will win. But again DO NOT send partial submissions (ex: Only telling
me who 5 of the Anime Characters are) until I say so. Or else that
email address has already given me its submission and therefore that
address is excluded. Good Luck!