19 is flying towards Vegeta and gives him a powerful
punch in the face (Good way to start the episode, ne?).
And then he starts to swing at Vegeta with a fast pace
and manages to hit him in the face again, but Vegeta
just pushes his head forward and is pretty much unscathed,
except for a little blood coming out of his mouth. After
giving one of his famous "You are weaker than me" speeches,
Vegeta literally starts beating the crap out of 19,
by kicking his feet into #19's stomach and socking him
in the face with a powerful punch. #19 flys at Vegeta,
but he just kicks #19 in the air. And then Vegeta punches
#19 in the face and he starts leaking that red stuff.
To finish it off Vegeta knocks #19 into the ground creating
a small crater. As Vegeta goes down to check it out
#19 grabs him and says he will not let go until he has
all of Vegeta's energy. Vegeta challenge's his idea
by pushing his feet up against #19's head. In the mean
time Yamcha is rushing (well not really) Goku to his
home so they can give him the heart medicine.
continues to hold onto Vegeta until Vegeta finally gives
one last push and makes #19's hands come off. Everyone
is surprised, and soon 19 turns into a puss and crawls
out of the crater and runs for his robotic life. Does
Vegeta allow people/mechanical objects to live even
when they are weaker then him? Of course not, he starts
charging up to get rid of #19. #20 tells him it is enough
and Vegeta just insults him for telling him to stop
only because they are losing. Vegeta delivers his 'Going
Away Present (English Version)'/Big Bang Attack (Japanese
Version)' directly on #19 and he blows up and his head
rolls around. #20 claims that Vegeta is much stronger
then he thought but he can still take on Vegeta and
win. Vegeta says that #20 should attack him because
he is weakened from the energy #19 stole. #20 figuring
there was no way he could win now flys off! Vegeta tells
Kurilan to give him a sensu bean so he can go after
#20. Piccolo soon figured out that #20 really could
of beaten Vegeta had he figured out Vegeta didn't have
enough energy to take him on, but since Vegeta kept
a calm demeanor, #20 couldn't notice it.
flew off telling them all that they were no longer needed,
and of course they are not too fond of that idea and
follow in pursuit of #20. Vegeta is looking for #20
but he cannot find him because he is hiding in the mountains.
Since Vegeta knows he can't sense #20's Ki he tries
another tactic, making #20 feel shame for hiding. But
#20 doesn't seem at all bothered by Vegeta yelling is
ass off about how 20 is a coward. Vegeta cannot stand
cowards, and so he decides to just blast the whole mountain
range with a huge blast. #20 sees this and oddly approaches
the blast. He holds up his hands and absorbs all that
energy. Vegeta charges down towards #20 but he goes
into hiding again. No one is able to find #20, but he
is able to notice them. #20 devises a plan to steal
the energy from the other Z warriors so he will have
enough to take out Vegeta. Vegeta and the others are
going to have a lot of trouble finding this Old man
that escaped from a nursing home. And so #20 has all
the time he wants to steal their energy 1 by 1. And
thus another ending of DBZ episode.
You Didn't See: Again nothing too notable except
for the part when Vegeta ripped off #19's hands. In
the uncut version blood (red oil?) gushed out of what
was left of #19's arms. And that is pretty much why
FUNI has to tack on another 3 or 4 dollars to the uncut
version : /
Good & Bad: Well the good would have to be that
#19 is out of the picture! Finally we can unmerge DBZ
and Teletubbies into two separate shows again. That
weenie whistle music wasn't present so that is a plus.
The music...eh, still pretty much the same old music
we have heard before. There are two bad parts. One would
have to be Piccolo's stupid comment when Kuriran said
"Wow that android is toast". He replied to that by saying
"More like burnt toast". I am sorry but that is flat
out corny. In my opinion of course, but maybe others
they think Piccolo is Da Man or something. And oh yeah
before I forget, I didn't like how Vegeta said "A little
going away present for you, ha ha ha ha" those words
sounded forced and people want to know names of attacks.
Why the name was edited out is beyond me.
Flaws: When you saw #19's arms get ripped off, we
saw how he was pretty much 99% mechanical. What is the
use of that blood? And why did it come out of his nose
too? If that is oil I guess it makes some sense.
Word: Well there was more editing dialogue wise
then there was footage wise. I don't know which you
prefer over the other. Most of the Japanese fans are
mostly likely going to be dissappointed that they took
out the name "Big Bang Attack". Me... well I am sure
I will live. I recommend watching this episode only
if you must see el chunko blanco die. And to see Vegeta
full of confidence once again and fighting at his best.
gives it 3.5/5
Kaervak DBZN Staff