Current Reviews
Good day, and welcome to "Cinematic Anime" Theatre.
Here we will be reviewing various other Anime titles unrelated
to Dragon Ball Z. After all, there is an entire universe of
quality anime, both modern and classic, that would benefit
any lover of fine animation to see.
As such, the format of these reviews will be
slightly different than from what you are accustomed to:
The summaries for these titles will be far shorter than the
episode reviews, my goal is for you to watch these
titles and ultimately, review them for yourself.
Therefore, a detailed summary would spoil the anime.
- The
reviews will place a lot of focus on elements of movie
(e.g. the camera sequences, when it cuts, how certain
shot are presented, etc…), and the analization of the
Aristotelian Unities (The coherency of the content,
the character rendition, things like that.). I will of course put in personal commentary,
but it will be just that, my perspective.
- Scores
will be out of 100, not 5.
This way I can be a little bit more elaborate with
how each element is scored and why.
I will try to review titles once a week, but with my schedule
of already reviewing two episodes, and running a business,
there might be times when I do not have a review for every
week. Quality of the reviews, and not quantity is what sets
the DBZN apart from those that just bang out dry summaries.
Here is also where I will be focusing more on plots than
on action ("who'd a thunk!").
Lastly, if you want me to review a certain title, because
you've either heard about it, or have seen it and what to
get my opinion on it (who knows why), or just for some reason
want me to review it, e-mail me with your name and the title
you want reviewed to celestrian@dbzn.net,
and I will look at the title, see if I can procure it, and
will try to review it for you.
Current Reviews:
Akira Ghost
in the Shell