this is another one of those transitory episodes that
one of our staff (cough **Celestrian** cough) members
have always complained about. This episode really
did not have that much if any action. But we still
had some interesting developments as far as plot is
is still seeking Android 18 to unite with, only then
can he become "whole." Long haired and slightly
more mature Trunks comes out in slow motion with his
father, Vegeta. Their serious faces, increased muscle
mass, and torn clothing make the other guys go through
their Ahhing Syndrome.
arrogance is at an extreme level because at this point
he KNOWS he is the strongest man in the planet (with
Trunks being the exception). Piccolo is still pretty
pissed as well as Tien when they exchange friendly
words with Vegeta. Gokou is still his goofy self and
is the only one that hasn't put up a serious face
yet. Bulma comes over with Trunks and offers new Saiyan
armor/clothing to the guys.
around this time Android 16 is laying down and peacefully
looking at birds hanging around near his knee while
18 is going through a nervous breakdown. Cell starts
to realize they couldn't have gotten very far especially
with 16's injuries. So he decides to open his big
mouth and scream. Which literally causes the surrounding
land and towns to shake. He tells 18 to get out from
hiding or he will destroy each and every island in
the area with her. 16 reasures her and tells her that
he wouldn't do that... then Cell starts to blow up
islands killing thousands of people with it.
Vegeta and Trunks are flying towards Cell and the
Androids insuring plenty of action for tomorrow's
episode. If you haven't seen it yet you really shouldn't
miss it!
me this was a very disappointing episode... the animation
was great, the dialogue was the usual and the music
hasn't changed much. The plot development however
was above normal but wasn't enough to satisfy this
slightly bored fan. Mostly because of the lack of
action in this episode.
gives this episode:
4 Dragon Balls out of 7.