episode begins with Vegeta's power punch into Cells
midsection.... oh yeah!
and Cell begin to do some serious battling when of
the sudden we go into a 5 minute monologue from Trunks
about how intense Vegeta trained in the Hyperbolic
Time Chamber. He knew Vegeta would ascend.
Picollo and Tien look on as Vegeta gives Cell a royal
beating. Picollo, however, is concerned that Vegeta
is toying with Cell and thereby giving him an opportunity
to absorb 18. This could prove a fatal mistake if
Vegeta isnt careful, but Tien doesn't seem too worried...
the HTC, Goku and Gohan continue to train. Goku gives
his famous, "The power comes from a need, not a desire,"
speech, which will prove pivotal in later episodes.
As Gohan envisions the lost of his loved ones to Frieza,
we see a Super-Saiyan Flash of power for a brief instant.
Vegeta keeps kicking the crap out of Cell....
episode was a strange little fellow. It had action,
but it also had some "wierd" elements like Trunks'
5 minute RAMBLE about his training in the HTC....
it sounded like something form Speed Racer.
gravity was so intense that I could barely move
and the air was so heavy I could hardly breathe.
The temperature would fluctuate wildly; hot one
moment and cold the next. The months went by like
blur, with the days of grueling training and sleepless
Oh yeah... its getting good now. Vegeta no longer
looks like the squat nerd he did at the beginning
of DBZ, and the faces are making their transitions.
Just wait until the later episodes... it gets even
Some great action sequences here. One of my personal
favorites this episode was the punch Vegeta delivered
that caused Cell to skip on the ocean surface like
a pebble.
Furious, and fluid. Good enough for me.
eh... its FUNi, what are you going do?
I almost think the plot was a little on the heavy
side today with that monologue from Trunks. The melo-drama
was laid on pretty thick and I found myself waiting
for him to be done rather than really listening to
what he was saying. Maybe if 3 minutes of it didn't
concern him vowing that Vegeta will one day recognize
him as his equal, I might have paid more attention.
Lets see... ACTION + PLOT - MONOLOGUE... that equates
to a pretty decent score in my book. But you know
me... "shut up and fight!"
gives this episode:
5.5 Dragon Balls out of 7.