Episode begins after the climax of the Cell saga. It
starts off with all the Z fighters around Gohan who
is laying on the ground totally exhausted and very injured(he
is cut up all over his body and left arm is totally
useless having been hurt by a blast from Cell in an
earlier episode). After a few words are spoken by him,
Gohan passes out in Yamcha's arms. Krillin is at first
worried but Yamcha assures him that he is just totally
exhausted. Yamcha then volunteers to take Gohan up to
the Lookout so that Dende can heal him. Tien asks if
is sure he can do it, and Yamcha immediately says yes.
Tien then says he will carry Trunks and Krillin decides
to take Android 18 with him. Piccolo stays behind and
says a few words to Vegeta, who tells piccolo to save
his applause and that he doesn't need any help.
the next scene, we see Hercul(aka Mr. Satan) Claiming
that he was the one who destroyed Cell, and after some
backing up by his "sidekicks" he manages to convince
the reporter that he really did kill Cell. The reporter
then goes over to the news van where there is still
a radio link up, and he broadcasts to the entire world
that Hercul saved them all. The scene now switches over
to ChiChi in her fathers arms bawling that Gohan should
be recognized as the one who killed Cell.
episode continues on and we now find all of the Z fighters
up at the lookout. Dende immediately heals Gohan, and
then says he is sorry about Goku's death. There is a
moment of silence, and then Gohan says not to feel bad
because his Father is not at all upset over being dead,
that he coached him on during the entire last battle
with Cell. Piccolo jumps in and says that whatever it
was Gohan felt, that he certainly made them all proud
and that he did a great job in destroying Cell. Android
18 finally wakes up, and immediately jumps to a defensive
posture because she is confused on where she is. Everyone
tells her that Krillin is the one who rescued her when
Cell threw her back up. Gohan comes to the realization
that Krillin has a crush on Android 18, and immediately
puts this into words. Android 18 flies off in a huff,
saying that "Krillin i really misjudged you".
now summons Shen Long, the Great Dragon, and Yamcha
immediately wishes back all of the people killed by
Cell. However, Goku's energy cannot be felt. Yamcha
asks the dragon if they cannot just use their entire
last wish to Bring back Goku. Shen Long responds that
he cannot, because Goku had already been revived once.
Dende then comes up with the idea to wish themselves
to the new Planet Namec, and to summon Porunga, because
Porunga is the original dragon, and can revive someone
as many times as he sees fit. Goku, however, starts
to communicate with the Z fighters telepathically through
King Kai, and tells them that he would rather remain
dead and to just meet new people where he is at now.
episode ends with Shen Long telling everyone that they
still have one wish left. The Z fighters start to contemplate,
and then the show ends.
animation in Today's episode, was even better than usual.
Seeing Shen Long summoned once again was totally breathtaking.
Another great animation scene in today's episode was
when Android 18 jumped up to her feet after finally
regaining consciousness. The way she looked was superb.
music was OK. There were some spots where it could have
been better. Just the simple fact that they played Hercul's
music just put a damper on the entire episode. I honestly
cannot stand his music. On an upnote however, the music
when Shen Long was summoned was excellent, and very
fitting for someone of that power and size.
today's dialogue. Excellent. That is all I can really
say about it. All the voices were excellent today's.
My favorite conversations were between Piccolo and Vegeta
in the beginning, Yamcha when he wished for all of the
people back to life that were killed by cell. The very
best dialogue in today's episode, however, was when
Goku was telepathically speaking to the Z Fighters.
It sounded absolutely terrific. FUNimation has been
doing a terrific job with the voices lately, and they
have taken out so many of the annoying Grunts, and other
annoying sounds usually emitted by Vegeta and Piccolo.
final thoughts on today's episode was that it was, overall,
a great episode following yesterdays climatic battle
with Cell. Did anyone besides me notice that neither
Goku, nor Gohan are permanent Super Saiyans now? I do
wonder why that is. Perhaps it will be revealed in later
Gives Today's Episode a rating of
Out of 7