In this section you will see the major area's
of the Dragonball world. Although the planet is also called
Earth it is really not the same planet. Much is similar in
this version of our planet but technology and such seems to
be more advanced in the show. For example this planet homes
hovering cars and advanced artificial intelligience. Not to
mention time machines... Toriyama wanted this Earth to have
much of what the real planet has but felt it would be more
entertaining by being a little different.
Without further adieu here is the map of the
A) Kame-House: The small island Kamesennin live's
B) Papaya Islands: Where the Tenkaichi Budokai
is held.
C) Muscle Tower: The Northern strong-hold of the
Red Ribbon Army.
D) Western City: Capsule Corporation is located
E) Penguin Village: Another manga by Toriyama,
Dr. Slump, takes place here.
F) Karins Tower/Kami's Lookout: Both are located
G) Red Ribbon Army: This is the home base of the
RR army.
H) Central Capitol: Piccolo tried to take over
the world from here.
I) Raditzu's landing: This is where his space pod
landed on earth.
J) First DBZ Battle: This is the site where Piccolo
kills Goku and Raditzu.
K) Eastern City: A city wiped out by Nappa.
L) Southern City: Highly populated urban city.
M) Gokuu vs. Vegeta: This is where Goku fight's
N) Survival Training: Here Piccolo trained Gohan.
O) Yunzabit: this is where Kami first lands on
P) Northern City: Another Highly populated urban
Q) Grandpa Gohan's House: The former house of Gohan
and now Gokuu's.
Original map and info provided by Masenko-ha.com
(owned by DBZN staff member Madd
Skittle), the image has been redone exclusively for the
DBZN to improve character visibilty.