The Power-Up effects list the amount of power levels the user grows per second, and they effect it creates. The Genki-Dama Power-Up lists the amount of people it takes to multiply the Genki-Dama's power to a certain degree. The Damage Effects show the power level of an attack needed to destroy an object.
Power-Up Effects:
100: Glowing, aura.
200: Wind howls, ground shakes slightly, sky darkens.
400: Ground shakes strongly, stones rise from ground.
800: Ground shakes violently, whirlwinds of debris, small rocks split.
1.600: Huge rocks erupt out of the ground, lighting strikes, howling whirlwinds, sky goes completely black.
3.200: Mountains crumble, rocks explode, pits of lava erupt.
Genki-Dama Power-Up:
Several thousand people: x 2
Small City (10's of thousands): x 5
Large Metropolis (couple million): x 10
Small Country (10's of millions): x 100
Large Country (100's of millions): x 1000
Small planet (billions): x 10.000
Solar System (100's of billions): x 100.000
Several Systems (Trillions): x 1.000.000
Damage Effects:
Car: 10
Truck: 15
Jet Fighter: 18
Tank: 20
Small Ship/Skyscraper: 60
Medium Ship/Several Skyscrapers: 100
Large Ship/Several City Blocks: 200
Huge Ship/Typical Town: 300
Asteroid/Average Mountain/Small City: 600
Small Moon/Huge City/Rocky Mountains: 800
Large Moon/Small Planet (Pluto): 1.600
Typical Planet (Earth): 3.200
Large Planet (Neptune): 6.400
Huge Planet (Jupiter): 16.000
Star (Sun): 25.600
Example Damages:
Hand-Gun: 2-6
Rifle: 7-10
Stinger Missile: 14
Tank Gun: 17
Bomb: 20
Hydrogen Bomb: 100
Gohan's Masenko against Nappa (Extrapolated): 1.819
Information provided by Masenko-Ha.com (owned by DBZN staff member Madd Skittle).