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Super Butouden 2 Codes
Play: Brawly vs. Goku
To play: Brawly vs. Son Goku in the versus match, press Up,
X, Down, B, L, Y, R, A. This should be done during the intro
when you see Gokou's hand flying toward
Built-In Move List
While in the middle of a battle, hit the start button, and
then select. Scroll down with the control pad twice, and hit
the "A" button. This will bring you to a list of moves for
your character. Press "A" while on your selected move to get
a chance to practice it!
Ant Mode
Press down 10 times during the screen before the fight while
the players are talking to each other.
Different Meteo Attacks
When you are fighting at the stage with the temple in the
background (SCENE 1 & SCENE 2), do your character's Meteo
Attack (Left, Right, Down, Up, B, and some character's use
Y instead of B), and you will notice that your character does
either a variation or a completely different attack; Which
ends with your opponent being dashed right through the temple's
floor as the last hit of the Meteo Attack.
Hold Y + X + B + A then hit Select during any match and
your character will surrender.
Turbo Mode
At the beginning of the game, right before Gokou starts
speaking in black screen, quickly push the L and R buttons
on the second player controller. If you did the code right,
the "2" in the title screen will be flashing. The slower it
flashes, the faster the game will be.
Submitted by Bhegeta
Click here
to submit a code.
Art of the Moment |

by Abe Stemmons