Hyper Dimension Codes
Triple Damage with Buu
To inflict more damage with Majin Boo, just throw your opponent
to the air and fly directly below them. If you are quick and
have enough time, do his Super Ki Blast (powers up a Ki Blast
over his head and throws it). If successful your opponent
will get hit with all three levels of the Ki Blast.
Submitted by Tim
Hint: Super Blast
Press Down, Down/Back, Back, A.
Submitted by Tim
Hint: Goku's Desperation Attack
When Goku's power bar is on 80 or less, or when you are playing
on training, go anywhere and press Back, Down, Forward, Up
+ Y. Goku will power up, teleport to his opponent, hit him
many times, turn to SSJX3, uppercut him, and do a Spirit Bomb
Submitted by Tim
Hint: Goku's Descent Combo
Enter training mode before you go to vs. or story mode. Go
somewhere close to your enemy and press Down, Back, B. Goku
should do spinning kicks in the air. After Goku lands on the
ground, quickly press Down, Forward, Y. Goku should then do
two uppercuts. This move should knock your enemy off the ground
and into the air. While your enemy is still in the air and
is going to land on the ground, quickly hold Forward and press
B. Goku should then do two kicks knocking your enemy (still
on the air) going up once more. When your enemy is about to
land on the ground, finish of with Down, Forward, X. If timed
correctly, Goku should do a Knee Bash in the air hitting your
enemy for the final time. If all moves hit, your enemy's power
bar will drop over 100 power.
Submitted by Tim
Hint: Gotenks' Desperation Attack
When Gotenks'spower bar is on 80 or less, or when you are
playing on training, move Gotenks anywhere and press Forward,
Back, Down, Forward + Y. Gotenks will shoot a beam at his
opponent, turn him into a ball, and bash that ball all over
the screen.
Submitted by Tim
Hint: Piccolo's arm
Press Back, Down, Forward and Punch before your opponent hits
to see Piccolo's arm disappear then re-grow.
Submitted by Tim
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