Episode 181 "Other
World Tournament"
This episode begins with Goku walking alongside
King Kai towards the enormous building where lies the Warriors
of the North Quadrant. Goku begins bragging to King Kai about
how Pikkon defeated Cell with one blow. Kai shocks Goku when
he explains that Pikkon's strength is not uncommon in the
other world.
As they continue walking, the Warriors begin
flooding out of the building to greet Goku and King Kai. Kai
introduces Goku to many of the different warriors, even a
Hercules wanna be named Ulibu. When Goku lays eyes on all
the Warriors you see his face jump a notch. Once a Saiyan
a Saiyan, right?
King Kai explains that they are all working on their 10,000
years of hard training so that they can receive a private
lesson with the Grand Kai. Goku nearly faints when he hears
that you have to train for 10,000 years in order to receive
a lesson from the Grand Kai. The South Kai, West Kai, and
East Kai then come strolling in to make of North Kai(King
Kai) because he's really dead. It's fun to watch King Kai
totally flip out when they make fun of him for being dead.
Ulibu then explains to Goku the whole afterlife system.
"Think of it as a ladder. On the bottom run is all of
space. Higher up is the home for infinite losers and then
Snake Way. On the next level are the planets of the 4 Kai's.
(Well 3 planets now, eheheh) Who oversee their parts of the
universe. And higher still above the 4 Kai's, is the Grand
Kai's planet." They are currently on the Grand Kai's
As King Kai and East Kai are arguing, the West Kai interrupts.
He says that a reunion is no time for arguing,(This is the
first time the Kai's have been together in 300 years) but
rather they should have a marshal arts tournament to see who
is best. They go to the Grand Kai and seek permission to hold
an 'other'(Basically meaning in the afterlife) world tournament
and he loves the idea. He also promises to throw in a free
private lesson for the winner, just to make things exciting.
Grand Kai then shows them the arena in which the Tournament
will take place. Its in a location very much like the hyperbolic
time chamber. Think of the time chamber but instead of being
surrounded by pure emptiness, imagine being in outer space
with planets all about. There you have the arena.
Goku is then shut down when he says how excited he is to
fight in the tournament. East Kai complains that this is serious,
and there's no way a rookie would stand a chance. King Kai
comes to Goku's defense but nonetheless he has to pass a test
in order to qualify for the tournament. He must beat East
Kai in a race. It's a tough race all the way to the finish,
but out of nowhere, the Grand Kai suddenly passes the finish
line and claims himself as the winner. Since Goku didn't lose
the race, he is allowed to participate in the tournament.
It then switches to the tournament celebrations and all the
Kai's giving their marshal artists little pep talks before
the big competition.
The Grand Kai gives a short speech and the announcer explains
the rules of the tournament.
"If you fall from the ring, start to cry, or give up,
then you lose the match. Poking in the eye and hitting below
the bel, are plain mean, and are not allowed. Needless to
say you can't kill anyone in this tournament, because they
are already dead."
First round begins. Fighting for the North Quadrant is Ulibu.
The Hercules wanna be. And fighting for the East Quadrant
is Chapashay? (That name might be off a bit) an extremely
short man, with a very long beard. He comes up to about Ulibu's
As the match gets going, Ulibu has a hard time hitting Chapashay
because he moves so fast. Chapashay then splits into 7 people,
or it appears so because he is moving so fast. Ulibu dodges
all 7 of the Chapashay figures coming towards him, causing
them all do collide. Victory Ulibu.
Pikkon is then shown jump kicking his opponent in the stomach
immediately. Victory Pikkon.
A few more pointless battles go on, until finally it's Goku's
turn. Goku faces a guy with a caterpillar appearance from
the South Quadrant, called 'Catippy'. Catippy manages to grab
hold of Goku, and with all 8 of his hands, he begins doing
the utter most torment to Goku
he gives him the tickle
torture. It's not long until Goku gets serious and blasts
Catippy off of him. Catippy then begins his ultimate metamorphosis.
However turns out he's going to have to stay in his cocoon
for around 1200 years until he achieves it. Goku is then considered
the winner by default. Which ends the first round of the Other
World Tournament.
Allow me to begin by saying Funimation is getting much better
at these filler episodes. I have seen all of the Japanese
episodes as well as all of the released English dubbed. And
I can Finally finally FINALLY say, Funimation has put in the
effort to make these filler episodes watchable. I even chuckled
a few times during this episode.
THE GOOD: Episode #81 does a good job of building
up the Grand kais status as a marshal artist. Which makes
you curious as to how strong he really is. That's important
because a key statute in any television show is to keep the
watcher curious about something. No matter how meaningless
or pointless it is.
The second thing the episode did a fairly decent job with,
is humor. A filler episode can be absolute horror unless the
humour is executed properly. Something the Japanese version
has managed to do time and time again. In previous dubbed
fillers, the humour has been atrocious. However the voices
finally seem to have that edge we've all been waiting for.
The VA's are actually getting into their character, something
we haven't seen in the American version.
Thirdly I must comment on the secondary VA's. Ulibu, Pikkon,
these secondary character voices are finally standable.
We no longer need cringe when a character who doesn't have
a major role speaks. It may not appear as an important quality
in anime, or any cartoon for that matter, but it truly is.
Those small things can really turn you off.
Fourthly we heard some original music today folks! Yes that's
right! When The Grand Kai takes everyone to the area where
the Tournament will be held, a mystique tune plays in background.
It was actually quite good. Any of you reading this review
who own this episode, should really go back to the scene where
Grand Kai first shows the area where the tournament will be
held and listen to this song. I don't know why, but it really
does it for me.
THE BAD: There were some really bad one liners today
"The most Righteous Marshal Artists in real life."
-King Kai when speaking about the North Quadrant Warriors.
"Aloha" - Warriors saying hi to Goku. What is up
with that
Need I go on?
THE UGLY: I couldn't find any ugly today folks. Overall
nothing really pissed me off.
Phoenix's Inside line: Overall today was a pretty good
episode. Good considering that nothing went too wrong in an
English dubbed filler. Wow, I didn't think this day would
ever come. Looks like all those emails to Funimation may finally
be paying off, eh? They still have a ways to go if they want
to catch up the Japanese version, but hey
If we can clone
sheep, then dammit Funimation can do this too!
This episode keeps you pretty interested throughout,
whether being curious
about the Grand Kai/wondering if Goku will be able to participate
in the
tourny (Yeah right)/cheering for Goku in the tourny. Phoenix
gives it
4.5 out of 7
Gotta work on those one liners FUNi.
the new kid on the block.