Episode 182"Water Fight"
The Summary
The episode begins with our favorite green mushroom-headed
announcer telling what fighters advanced to the quarterfinals.
King Kai and South Kai had two fighters, West Kai had three,
and East Kai had one. North and South Kai argued about who
was better and then South Kai said they should pick on East
Kai 'cause she only had one fighter.
The next fight begins with a very small and fast guy from
the West Quadrant and a large red guy whose body looks remarkably
similar to Cell's from the South Quadrant. The tiny guy shows
off his speed -- and even Goku's intimidated -- but the little
guy quickly tires out before attacking and is forced to give
up. Everyone in the stadium falls over anime-style. West Kai
complains that his fighter only lost because the ring was
too big.
Next a frog-like guy from the South Quadrant and a dinosaur-like
guy named Maraikoh from the West Quadrant. At first Maraikoh's
winning but he starts to laugh at Frog (that's his name) but
Frog replies cockily and blows himself up to a tremendous
proportion. He slowly but surely begins pushing Maraikoh out
of the ring, as well as laughing insanely (he's evil, I tell
ya'… x_x). No matter how hard he tries, Maraikoh can't
seem to stop Frog! As he begins to slip off of the edge of
the ring, he manages to lift his absolutely massive opponent
and toss him to a distant meteor. Frog lands outside of the
ring and loses.
"Ahh… Now it's finally my turn," says an anxious
Goku as he climbs into the ring to fight a small, blue, fish-like
guy named Aqua. Goku raced towards his opponent and landed
a kick that sent him flying into the air. "Sorry, I wouldn't
have kicked him so hard if I would've known how weak the guy
was," said Goku while East Kai was shouting to Aqua to
use his "special power." Aqua responds; his eyes
glow and in a matter of seconds he turns the ring into a water
Goku now under water he holds his breath and sees Aqua coming
at him. They fight evenly in hand-to-hand combat, and East
Kai states how Aqua invincible under water. The once shy-looking
Aqua now has a vindictive look on his face and he begins beating
Goku around a bit. It looks like it's all over for Goku when
he uses a Solar Flare to blind Aqua and he jumps out of the
ring preparing a Kamehameha…
Aqua searches for Goku and looks up to find a massive blue
beam of energy connecting with his face! Aqua lands outside
of the ring. Somehow this changes the ring back to water (maybe
because Aqua lost). East Kai yells at Aqua and sentences him
to a 1,000 lap run around Grand Kai's palace. Goku, however,
compliments Aqua and says that he almost lost.
To finish of the quarter finals we have Oleibu(spelling?)
and Pikkon facing off. Since they're both expected to win
the entire tournament, so the crowd goes wild. King Kai and
West Kai argue, and eventually the fight starts.
A vicious battle using massive energy ensues, and it appears
to be even all the way. Neither fighter can land a hit, and
neither appears to have the upper hand. Oleibu lands a hit
and Pikkon turns it up a notch but so does Oleibu… so
they're even again. Goku compliments they're technique and
they're power as they continue to fight evenly. The fighters
connect in the center of the ring and energy consumes them
and next we see Oleibu hitting a wall outside of the ring.
Though he lost, he commends Pikkon with a smile and a handshake.
"So, Goku… how do you feel?" asks the Grand
Kai. "I'm trembling. It's just indescribable," replies
a timid-looking Goku. West Kai talks about how he should be
scared and Goku replies that he's "trembling" because
he's "excited!" He then talks about how difficult
it's going to be to beat Pikkon…
The Review
Animation: Good! I was pretty impressed… it was very
realistic (…DBZ-realistic…) and good-looking. I
liked how it looked when Oleibu and Pikkon were fighting…
that was really good! I also liked how they drew Goku's Kamehameha.
4 out of 7
Storyline: No flaws here today, folks. Everything went smooth.
The tournament was built up perfectly and looking really good
today. It's got me anxious to see tomorrow's episode, but
it wasn't the kind of episode you immediately call your best
friend and brag about, so it gets a 4/7. Why? Well, it wasn't
a dramatic episode… just a flawless one. Get it?
4 out of 7
Fight Scenes: Excellent! Very, very good! Though it was short,
the Oleibu vs. Pikkon fight was one of the best-looking short
fights I've seen. We all knew Pikkon was gonna' win just because
of how he was introduced, but if I hadn't seen the previous
episodes, I would've had no idea. 6/7
Overall Rating:
5 out of 7
Negative Commentary: The bickering between the four Kais.
It just gets old… and they all have annoying voices.
Some of you may not care as much, but I think arguing over
who is better is stupid. Even if you win, it doesn't make
you better because any sports fan knows that anyone can win
on any given day. The same goes with fighting… but with
Martial Arts that saying, obviously, is only to a certain
extent. Besides… these are supposed to be Gods of Other
World… shouldn't they be able to tell who's more powerful?
Final Statements
For an episode that definitely wasn't action-packed, and
definitely didn't involve dramatic irony, it wasn't bad at
all. I own all of the tapes up until episode 204, and - if
you're like me - you'll find that there are a couple of future
episodes that have this one's purpose (which is just to tell
a short story) that are just not as good. Don't get me wrong…
you've also got some of my favorite episodes coming up…