Episode 190 "I'll Fight
The Summary
Today's episode begins with a crisis: A plane with a bunch
of people is about to crash into the city. When all seems
lost, who comes to save the plane, the people and the city?
The Champion of Justice
The Protector of the Innocent
The Great Saiyaman!
Surprisingly, The Great Saiyaman sticks around to answer
a few questions for the press. Upon being asked who he was
and why he chose this particular city as his home, Saiyaman
hops on top of the plane and busts out the Saiyaman Rap.
No one likes it.
Later on, while Gohan is at Bulma's, he explains why he (Saiyaman)
is competing in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Bulma is
rather surprised that two separate girls have blackmailed
him on two separate occasions. During this conversation Vegeta
decides that if Gohan entered the Tournament, so would he.
Besides, what would Vegeta like better than to defeat the
offspring of his greatest rival.
When all of the sudden there is a great booming voice from
the sky, "I'll fight too." No its not God, nor is
it any of Dr. Gero's creations trying to root out another
one of Dr. Gero's creations for the purpose of absorption
After a brief explanation that he can visit for a day, Gohan
rushes to Master Roshi's to tell Krillin the news. Only to
be caught up in a movie shoot for The Great Saiyaman: The
Movie. After wasting some time and upsetting the director,
Gohan finally reaches Master Roshi's to tell Krillin (who
has grown out his hair) about the tournament. At first Krillin
refuses until his wife tells him to enter because she's going
to enter for the prize money as well.
Krillin's wife is Android 18.
They have a daughter, Marrin.
So after Gohan tells Krillin and Piccolo, he now has to convince
Chi Chi to let him fight.
At first
she says no, but when Gohan says that the
prize money would be just like a BIG Scholarship (1st place
gets 10,000,000 Zeni) Chi Chi flips her lid saying that of
course he can fight in the tournament, even if it means missing
some school to train.
The Review
Well, I must say before giving my take on today's episode
that it feels good to be doing some literary work for the
DBZN again. Thank goodness FUNimation got off their butts
and finally got the new season released on Toonami. I don't
know how much more their version of the Cell Saga I would
have been able to take
Remember back in near the end of the Cell Saga I made the
comment that they must have shifted animation teams in the
TOEI studio? They must have liked them, a lot.
You know what
So do I.
The animation in the Heaven's Tournament / Buu Saga has been
AWESOME. The colors are crisp, the detail is sharp and the
animation is fluid. It's so amazing to sit back and compare
the animation / design techniques that were used in the first
saga's of DBZ to the techniques currently employed at this
phase of DBZ.
On a personal note of interest, I'm rather intrigued about
TOEI's almost complete revamp of Vegeta. His face is almost
entirely different, with more "darkened" features
and what seems to be a higher contrast in his eyes. The technical
aspects of the new Vegeta are very well done, as he seems
much more "Dark" in his movements as well. However,
I rather miss the Vegeta from the Cell Saga already.
The animation is great, and even their "Low Quality"
moments, which DBZ is notorious for (Sudden shifts in core
animation styles within an episode, and I'm not talking about
the very common shifts between "normal" and "Chibi"
Animation gets:
7 Dragonballs out of 7
Though most reviewers do not trouble themselves with analyzing
the animated camera angles and thus the "Story Boarding"
of the episode, I personally feel that this is almost as important
as the animation quality itself as both are intertwined.
TOEI really got themselves on track for the last few episodes.
There are some very well thought out sequences, including
when Gohan as Saiyaman decides to cut his "Stuntman"
career short when he realizes it's late. Very fluid and the
transition from "Free Fall" to "Saiyaman Power"
is very well done. Perhaps my personal favorite in this episode
is when Gohan is flying back to his house contemplating how
he's going to convince Chi Chi to let him fight in the World
Martial Arts Tournament. I loved it.
Choreography gets:
7 Dragonballs out of 7
Sadly, I was rather disappointed when I found that FUNi didn't
keep the original music from the Heaven's Tournament / Buu
Saga. Though in the earlier episodes they did keep some, by
today's episode is what back to FUNi's now famous DBZ Theme
It could be worse
they could have something else I
can't think of at this moment. It's not bad, but it's nothing
Music gets:
4 Dragonballs out of 7
This is one of the DBZ episodes where I just could not stop
laughing at some of the things that were said. The first dialogue
that got me rolling was between Gohan and Krillin when Krillin
asked Gohan if he "really was gonna be wearing that..."
Gohan's response:
Are you kidding? I'm at the pinnacle of style! I think you've
lost your sense of fashion by being kept away on this island
for so long.
"I'm at the pinnacle of style," that's so classic.
I think Gohan has a secret inner-fascination with the Ginyu
Force, because with responses like that, he could have been
Ginyu Man #1.
The next, which is my personal favorite so far said on DBZ
is when Gohan talks to himself about the possibility of Chi
Chi not letting him fight in the Tournament:
The Great Saiyaman, son of Goku, will not be appearing in
today's tournament on account of his mommy wouldn't let him
I still laugh every time I repeat that in Gohan's over-dramatized
Saiyaman voice.
Dialogue gets:
7 Dragonballs out of 7
The plot in the beginning of this series is rather slow to
develop. No real developments will be occurring until we actually
get into the tournament itself. However, we have seen some
mini stories going on; Gohan trying to keep his powers secret
and the development of Saiyaman, as well the introduction
/ re-acquaintance of old characters from the Cell Saga. We
even got to see Dende today. So I feel that things are moving
along nicely.
Plot gets:
6 Dragonballs out of 7
How can you not love these episodes? So far there has been
enough action to satisfy my cravings, while providing some
very funny dialogue, which has generally been rare in FUNi's
version of DBZ. The animation is great and everything comes
together in a fairly neat little bundle, minus the music problems.
I think it's a great episode that you should have watched
instead of read about. (For those who watch and read, I thank
you for your continued patronage.)
The Celestrian gives today's episode:
6 Dragonballs out of 7