Episode 204 "Energy
Drain "
The Summary
Today we have a spectacular action-packed episode. It begins
with the fight of Kibito and Gohan. Gohan is in the process
of turning into a super saiyan. The Supreme Kai tells Goku
and the others that Spopovitch and Yamu will attack Gohan
in the fight. He reminds them not to interfere, but they question
his request and his premonition of the fight. Krillin insists
that Gohan can take care of himself, but the Kai says that
it waits to be seen. Goku doesn't understand why those two
mysterious ones would want to attack Gohan, and Shin tells
them that Gohan's power is what brought them to Earth. Gohan
gives Kibito one more chance to reconsider, but he tells him
to go on. Gohan informs him that there is a level beyond that
of a super saiyan. Kabito is thrown back and wants him to
show this pure power. With that, Gohan begins his transformation
into the Super Saiyan 2 form. Kibito, Yamu, Spopovitch, and
the crowd are all amazed by his massive strength. Videl now
realizes that Gohan, the gold fighter, and the Great Saiyaman
are one and the same.
The Supreme Kai wonders if there will be enough energy generated
from Gohan, and Goku along with the rest, now become even
more confused about what's happening. Yamu looks at his energy
meter, and the needle is spinning in circles. He tells Spopovitch
that it is time to do what they came for. He instructs him
to hold Gohan down while he extracts his energy with a device.
The Supreme Kai sees that they are attacking, and he wants
to see what they will do, so he freezes Gohan with his power,
and Yamu inserts the device into him. Gohan yells out with
the agonizing pain. Krillin wants to go help, but Piccolo
holds him back, following the Kai's orders. The others watch
in shock and confusion while this is taking place.
Videl then tries to help him too, but Goku restrains her.
The tournament arena begins to illuminate with Gohan's enormous
energy being drawn out. The entire sky turns bright white,
and then fades back to Gohan. Spopovitch releases him, and
he falls down completely drained of all his power. Videl runs
out there to help him while Spopovitch and Yamu fly away.
The Supreme Kai decides to follow them to see what they have
in store for Gohan's pure power. Goku, in the process also
decides to go with. The Kai tells Goku that Kibito will heal
Gohan and that he may come with if he wishes.
Vegeta sees Goku leaving as an excuse for not fighting him.
Vegeta wants so badly to defeat Goku that he loses sight of
what is most important. However, Vegeta is not swayed by Goku's
response and is determined to fight at any cost. Goku sees
no other way out of the situation then to agree to fight when
they return.
The Supreme Kai flies away when Krillin and Vegeta also decide
to come along. Android 18, though, wants to stay on Earth
and finish the tournament. As these decisions are taking place,
Kibito places his hand on Gohan and restores most of his energy.
Gohan gets up and decides to follow Kibito. (Who also plans
to follow Yamu and Spopovitch) Kibito leaves while Videl is
trying to convince Gohan to let her go along too. At first
he is very reluctant, but he eventually gives in to her plea.
Hercule has no say in this decision whatsoever; they just
follow Kibito without saying goodbye.
The scene then shifts back to Yamu and Spopovitch flying
with Gohan's power. Yamu comments that Babidi will be very
pleased with the power so they can revive "Majin Buu".
We then see the Supreme Kai flying after the two men. The
Z-fighters are all with him. He thanks them for joining him
because they will be needed. Goku wonders why the Supreme
Kai would need help. He tells them that he isn't afraid of
Spopovitch and Yamu, but the wizard that controls them. We
then see Gohan and Videl catch up with Kibito. The Supreme
Kai and Kibito simultaneously tell the story of Majin Buu,
Babidi, and Bibidi.
Long ago, there was a wizard named Bibidi. He created a being
solely to destroy everything. His name was Majin Buu. This
being, had unrivaled power. He destroyed thousands of planets
and lives unmercifully under the control of Bibidi. Eventually,
Majin Buu became too strong for Bibidi to contain. Therefore,
he creates a magic ball that can seal Buu and his power up.
This ball was sent to Earth because it was to be the next
target for destruction. As long as Buu is sealed inside the
ball, he is harmless. Originally, Bibidi was the only the
only one who could release Buu from the ball, but Bibidi had
a son, Babidi. Babidi is on Earth, and he intends to wake
the unstoppable Buu.
The Z-fighters are all amazed at his story and become nervous
about finding this wizard.
The Review
The animation today was superb. It rivaled that of the fight
between Gohan and Cell. Gohan's transformation was the most
detailed and most exciting things I've seen in a long time.
The sequence showing the Supreme Kai being followed by the
Z-fighters was also worth notice. All I can say is, "No
words can describe today." Plain and simple, the animation
was top-notch.
The music was unbelievable, as it usually is during big
events. The music went back to the traditional theme during
Gohan's incident and the flight of the Supreme Kai and Kibito.
The upbeat tempo and hard hitting notes truly multiply the
enjoyment of the experience. I'm not trying to over say this,
but the music really is THAT good. I don't think it should
ever be changed.
The dialogue was great as well. The story about Buu told
by Kibito and the Supreme Kai was not only interesting, but
also perfectly translated into a fluid timeline. It was very
easy to tell what they were talking about. Any and all of
the points in the show where the Kai had some part in, were
very nicely said. Unfortunately the dialogue itself was changed
to the point that it introduced many new plot holes. The conversation
between Goku and the Kai when Gohan was being attacked was
not only powerful, but exciting to listen to.
The plot was not even comparable to most other episodes. This
show had so much going on; sometimes it became difficult to
understand what was happening. The plot was so deep and involved
today that it's hard to begin to explain what's going on.
Basically, the story of Buu, the Gohan struggle, and the chase
after Spopovitch and Yamu were the main parts to today's episode.
All aspects of it were unbelievable and action-packed, except
maybe for Hercule entrance. Other than that, the episode was
perfect in my mind. This episode gets the same rating as yesterday,
but it is much, much better. It doesn't deserve a 7/7 because
it is not an epic episode, yet it encompasses a lot of information.
The Existence's Inside Line: You cannot miss today's
episode. If you did, then buy the tape, because otherwise
you'll be in for a wild ride. The story and background information
about Buu and Babidi were pivotal to understanding the rest
of DBZ. Ultimately, this episode was a near-classic type.
The Existence gives today's episode:
6 Dragonballs out of 7...