Episode 213 "The Dark
Prince Returns"
The Summary
Gokou and the rest of the gang all try to figure out why
it is that Darbura would retreat from a fight. The Supreme
Kai explains that Darbura is Babidi's most powerful fighter,
and that they have no one else to bring in. All the while
Vegeta blames Gohan for not destroying Darbura immediately.
After a while of suggesting theories, Vegeta begins to push
it, and says he's going to take charge of this mission. He
charges up a right-handed blast of energy and aims it at the
bottom floor. The Supreme Kai begs for him to stop, only for
Vegeta to turn the blast on him. Gokou intervenes, and calms
Vegeta down.
At the World Tournament, Hercule brags excessively, as the
crowd cheers him on. When he spots Android 18, he freezes
up a bit, before resuming with his primitive grunts.
Back at the ship, Babidi finally releases his charm upon
Vegeta. Vegeta immediately begins to keel over in pain, fighting
the inside force that is attacking him. The Supreme Kai had
previously predicted this would happen, and knew what was
going on. He encouraged Vegeta to fight it. Vegeta went Super
Saiyan. Everyone encouraged him to fight against it - especially
the Supreme Kai - until Vegeta argues that he is evil.
He ascends towards the ceiling and his aura turns a much
deeper gold. Red sparks of evil energy crackle about his body,
as his power level skyrockets. The emanation of energy is
displayed outside of the ship as a ripple of it oscillates
the ship and razes the ground. He appears to be fighting it
Babidi stops Vegeta's fluctuation of power, and he descends
once more. He's on his hands and knees, his head facing the
ground. Gohan tells Gokou to "talk to him" but as
Gokou steps forward to do so, the Supreme Kai warns that it
is too late; Vegeta has become Majin (this is proven when
they see the "M" Majin symbol on his forehead).
More than ready for the fight to begin, Babidi begins to
transport the fighters to a new area.
The World Tournament Arena
The majority of the crowd stares in awe amongst the fighters
who had just appeared out of nowhere. However, Bulma, Chi-Chi
and the rest talk about how glad they are to see them
Except for Master Roshi. He quickly points out that Vegeta's
energy is "quite different."
Blasting the announcer and Hercule away with his energy,
Vegeta points to Gokou, challenging him. His pointed finger
rises up along with all others; he's prepared to fire an energy
blast. This time, however, he isn't stopped by Gokou's demand.
He fires, and Gokou crosses his arms, taking it head on. It
pushes him back, and when Gokou can't withstand it anymore,
it pushes him out of the way
for the crowd to endure.
The blast goes through hundreds of people, the arena, and
buildings for miles after that. Bulma can't believe what she's
Gokou lands in front of Vegeta
an all-out war between
two of the most powerful beings anywhere is about to begin
The Review
Splendid! It was very, very good. Vegeta's charging up was
great. I liked his aura, and he looked best when he had the
red sparks coursing over his body. Babidi's magic looked really
good too. Though I was impressed with today's animation, there
was one thing I did not like. Vegeta looked like he was Super
Saiyan 2, when he - in fact - was not. Other than that, however,
I was impressed with today's episode's animation.
Inexcusably bad. It was at its best when Vegeta was charging
up in Babidi's ship, and even then it was pretty bad. It was
horrific when they showed the outside of Babidi's ship
it was a half-serene melody, as the ground was crumbling.
It stayed true to character, but I didn't like it very much.
Babidi giggled insanely, Vegeta ran his mouth (both before
and after turning Majin), and I won't even talk about Hercule.
He can grunt
that's something to cheer about? I think
At first, I thought the plot was great. I even began to write
this review stating that it was, but then I realized something:
Vegeta, being the prince of the Saiyans, has a bigger ego
than Darbura, the KING of DEMON WORLD. Vegeta would NEVER
have backed down from Gohan to send another challenger, but
Darbura did. Though the episode was good, and Darbura's backing
down was believable, it just wasn't quite true to character.
Good, but not great.
Side Notes: If you're reading this, you probably didn't
see the episode. Feel sorry for yourself, you didn't get to
see one of the coolest Super Saiyan transformations. It wasn't
an incredible episode all-in-all, but it had some cool scenes.
Madd Skittle gives today's episode:
5 Dragonballs out of 7
-Madd Skittle