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Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden 2
General Game FAQ
Written by Vegita, Guardian Of Destiny (
Version 3.14
I - Introduction
II - Game Story
III - Basics
A - Basic Attacks/Movements
B - More Complex Attacks/Movements
IV - Advanced Tactics
A - Throws and their Counters
B - Dealing With Super Ki Blasts
C - Blast Collisions
V - Character Analysis
A - Son Gokou
B - Vegita
C - Piccolo
D - Son Gohan
E - Trunks
F - Cell
G - Cell Junior
H - Bojack
I - Zangya
J - Brolie
VI - Character Rankings
A - Strongest Character
B - Best Looking Meteo
VII - Various
A - Cheats
B - Revision History
C - Thanks
----------I: Introduction----------
Welcome! I am Vegita, Guardian Of Destiny, and I see you
want help for the
Super Famicom game "Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden 2". Well,
you've come to the
right place, because this game is my speciality. I have
owned it for 4 years
now, and am quite proficient at it. So much so, in fact,
that as soon as I
discovered someone has finally uploaded it as a ROM so everyone
could play it
(you illegal freaks, you), I decided to write a FAQ so everyone
would know how
to play it.
First off, let's get one thing straight: Even though I am
Vegita, I will try to
write from an un-biased point of view (although I still
think I'm the best at
everything). Second of all, if I catch anyone copying all
or part of this FAQ,
ANY part of this FAQ (not counting little sentences like
"First off, let's get
one thing straight), I will destroy you. I will rip you
limb from limb like the
excessively weak individual you are, and then I will sue
you for copyright
infringment. Third of all, I do not own the rights to this
game, the names of
the characters in this game or FAQ, or have any ownership
whatsoever of this
game (except for the cartridge sitting in my room, that
is). Those are the
property of their respective owners.
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
-----------------------------II: Game Story----------------------------
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
Dragon Ball was a Manga (Japanese cartoon or comic) created
by Akira Toriyama,
an artist in Japan, in 1982. The manga, which dealt with
an absurdly strong
little boy named Gokou (off of the Japanese stories of a
monkey god of the same
name), became wildly successful, and a cartoon version was
put on the air in
1984. It ran all through the course of the show until the
main character,
Gokou, finally grew to adulthood. This signified the end
of Dragon Ball, but
promised that something new would return next week in it's
place. This new
show: Dragon Ball Z.
Dragon Ball Z picked up right where Dragon Ball left off,
with Gokou as an
adult. He has a child now, and his arch-nemesis, Piccolo,
was as bad and mean
as ever. This series introduced an entirely new set of characters,
mostly from
outer space, and revealed Gokou's origins (he's from another
planet too).
Dragon Ball was such a large success, before and during
it's "Z" stage, so it
was obvious enough that there would be video games made
about it. There are
RPGs, Fighting games, Strategy games, and even a few arcade
games. This is
where Super Butoden 2 comes in.
Super Butoden 2's plot starts right before the Cell game,
the contest created by
Cell to determine the strongest fighter in the world. The
plot then takes a
wild turn, switching into a new plot featuring Zangya and
Bojack from Movie 10.
It ends, though, with a match against Brolie, the Legendary
Super Saiya-Jin
(only on difficulty levels 3 and 4, though).
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
-----------------------------III: Basics-------------------------------
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
To begin the game, insert the cartridge into your Super
Famicom (or modified
Super NES) console, and press the power button. If you're
running it off of an
emulator, you're a pansy, and should get the actual game.
After the intro
sequence (you can skip it if you want to), press start at
the title screen to
bring up the menu.
----III.A: Basic Attacks/Movements----
Here are the basic attacks and movements that every character
can utilize. If
you don't know how to do any of these, you should learn
how immediately.
A = Ki. This is your typical Ki attack. Most characters
throw a small blast,
while others launch something different.
B = Kick. This button causes your character to throw a kick.
X = Switch. This button causes your character to switch
from the ground, where
you stand and fight, to the air, where you float and fight.
Y = Punch. This button causes your character to throw a
L/R = Holding in one of these buttons while moving causes
your character to
Up = Jump. This causes your character to jump up in the
air. Can also jump up-
towards and up-away.
Down = Crouch. This causes your character to duck. While
this is seemingly
useless, some of the shorter characters can dodge quite
a few attacks by
Left = Move left.
Right = Move right.
Direction Pad Away = Block. If you hold away from your opponent
while they are
attacking, you will block at a mid level. If you hold down
and away, then your
character will block at a low level. However, if you block
Ki blasts, you will
still sustain some damage.
----III.B: More Complex Attacks/Movements----
You can win the game off of just the basic attacks, but
if you want to actually
win against another opponent or a harder computer setting,
you should learn
these attacks as well.
Y + B = Charge Ki. In this game, your character has 2 life
bars: Your health
bar, which is your life (how many hits you can take), and
your Ki bar, which is
how much energy you have to throw special Ki attacks. If
your bar runs out, and
you continue to try to do Ki attacks, your character will
get tired, and stop
attacking to take a breather. In order to counteract this,
you can charge up
your Ki ba by pressing Y and B at the same time.
Towards + Y = Throw. This causes your character to throw
the opposing
character. Unfortunately, these can be stopped or countered.
(See Advanced.)
Aerial Movement. In the game, if you switch to the upper
level, you will be
flying around instead of standing. This means that you cannot
duck low attacks,
but you are able to slowly glide up and down over attacks
by "jumping" (in the
air, you're not really jumping). You can, however, throw
Ki attacks (regular
attacks, specials, supers), and they will automatically
travel to the lower
playing field if the other guy is there. All these make
it very hard to dodge
certain attacks, while other attacks are very easy to dodge
and counter.
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
-------------------------IV: Advanced Tactics--------------------------
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
Well, Mr. Hot Shot, here's you think you're all that and
a loaf of rye now that
you've mastered the basics, huh? Well, here's the more advanced
workings of the
----IV.A: Throws and Counters----
In order to throw someone, you need to be close to them
and press Towards + Y.
The throw will hurl your opponent away, causing damage and
giving you enough
time to start another attack. Throws, however, can be blocked
and even
countered. If, while being thrown, you press either the
L button twice or the R
button twice, you character will do 1 of 2 things, depending
on the side you're
-If you're being thrown to the left side of the screen,
and you press the L
button twice, then your character will flip over and land
safely, without taking
any damage.
-If, while being thrown to the left side, you press the
R button twice, your
character will fly back with a kick.
These buttons are reversed for the opposite side of the
screen; meaning that if
you are being thrown right, pressing L twice will make you
counterattack instead
of land safely.
----IV.B: Dealing With Super Ki Blasts----
Each character has 2 super Ki blasts: a weaker one (that
takes less from the Ki
bar), and a stronger one (taking more from the Ki bar).
These are used as
regular attacks if you are close enough to your opponent;
you will just charge
up and throw it like a regular Ki attack. If, however, you
are at a great
enough distance, then you will go a through special screenshot
of just you doing
the movements of your attack, then the standard throwing
of said Ki blast. At
this point, the screen will switch over to the other character,
who must attempt
to block or dodge the attack. Here's how:
1: Simple Block = Away + A. By pressing away and A at the
same time once the
screen switches back to you, your character will throw up
their arms in defense,
taking the attack. They will take half the normal amount
of damage this way.
2: Dodge = Up, Down + A. Pressing up, then down and A will
cause your
character to lean to the side and allow the attack to shoot
past, bearly
brushing against them. This will cause them to take only
1/4 the normal amount
of damage.
3: Deflection = Away, Down + A. Rolling from away to down
and pressing A will
make your character smack the incoming attack away, causing
NO damage to them.
4: Reflection = Away, Down, Towards + A. Rolling away to
down to towards and
pressing A will make your character reflect the attack back
at the attacker. No
damage is done to you, and the other guy can only attempt
to block or dodge.
The only problem with this is, it doesn't always work right,
and will sometimes
explode in your face, causing the full amount of damage.
5: Dispersion = Away, Towards + A. By pressing away, then
towards + A will
cause your character to destroy the attack, with no damage
done. This is
what'll usually happen when you attempt a:
6: Counter Blast = Down, Away, Towards + A. Rolling from
down to away, then
pressing towards + A will cause your character to throw
a Ki blast right back in
an attempt to stop it. By doing so, this leads right into:
----IV.C: When Attacks Collide----
If two character's Super Ki blasts collide, then it becomes
a furious battle of
who can press the A button more in the time alloted. Whoever
wins has their
attack follow through, and the loser can only defend, dodge,
or disperse (or
attempt to do so).
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
-------------------------V: Character Analysis-------------------------
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
Ok, here's what you've been waiting for, right? The special
moves of each
character. Well, here ya go!
-The attacks are rated on a 1-10 scale, the first 5 (1-5)
for how easy it is to
get it to work, the second 5 (6-10) for effectiveness. If
an attack is really
easy to do, and does very little damage or just plain misses
a lot, then it'll
rank a 6. If it is impossible to pull off, yet is unblockable
and does massive
damage, it'll get a 6 for different reasons.
-* = denotes characters that can only be accessed by a secret
-# = denotes Super blasts.
-% Denotes A Meteo attack (an attack that does an unusually
large amount of
damage and/or sends your enemy a great distance, causing
a great explosion where
they hit the ground).
-All these attacks were taken from the attack list in the
game, which is
accessed during a fight by pressing start, then select,
the highlighting the
character's name and pressing the A button.)
----V.A: Son Gokou*----
Gokou is the main character Dragon Ball. The story revolves
around his growing
up, eventually becoming the ultimate fighting champion of
the universe. During
the story mode of the game Gokou fights you (if you choose),
and Cell.
Move list:
Away, Down, Towards + B = Spinning Kicks. Gokou spins and
spins, kicking all
the while. You want a cheap attack? THIS is a cheap attack.
Towards, Away, Towards + B = Flip Kick. Gokou performs a
forward flip, hitting
with his feet. It's quick and easy to pull off. 6/10
Hold Away (2 seconds), Towards + B = Elbow to Kick Spin.
Swings with his elbow,
then spins around and kicks. Shorter than the Spinning kicks,
and leaves you
less vulnerable. 6/10
Down, Towards + A = Seeking Ki Blast. Gokou launches a smaller
blast which
seeks out the opponent, no matter where they are. Great
for enemies that still
have to get up (it hovers above them until they stand, then
hits them). 9/10
Towards, Away, Towards + A = Ki Slam. Gokou launches a ki
shot so fast, it
knocks the enemy flying quite a distance away. The shot
is so fast, it can only
be seen on the radar! 7/10
Down, Up + A = Taiyo-Ken (Sun Attack). Gokou draws in a
great deal of energy,
then releases it in a form of pure light, blinding anything
within range. This
freezes them, giving you a chance to attack freely. 7/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Kamehame-ha. Gokou's trademark
attack. He charges
up and releases a mighty attack. Takes about 1/4 to 1/5
of the Ki bar. 6/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Chou Kamehame-ha. Gokou's trademark
upgraded. He charges up and releases an even mightier attack.
Takes about 1/3
of the Ki bar. 7/10
% Towards, Away, Down, Up + B = Neo Meteo Juggle. Gokou's
meteo has him
smacking the other guy up into the air, then back towards
the ground, the
straight ahead into some rocks (or ground, whatever he hits).
Gokou is the main man if you play cheap. Don't even bother
trying to let up
with his spinning kicks, and mix it up with a Taiyo-Ken
and Ki slam to really
confuse them!
----V.B: Vegita----
Vegita is the archrival of Gokou, the main character of
Dragon Ball. He first
arrived in the series attempting to gather the Dragon Balls
to wish for eternal
life. Instead, he died by the hands of Freeza, but was later
brought back by
the Dragon Balls. He has fought along side Gokou and his
friends, and
occasionally against. He is friend and foe, and one bad
man all around. You
can play as him during the story mode.
Move list:
Away-Down, Towards-Up + B = Diagonal Kicking. Vegita flies
upwards with a kick,
then dives back towards where he was standing with another
kick. This is great
for jumping idiots, or those fools who want to get thwacked
twice. 8/10
Towards, Away, Towards + Y = Punch/Kick combo. Vegita rushes
forward, kicking
and punching. This attack leaves you on the other side of
them! If they don't
know what's coming, they'll get barraged from both sides!
Down, Towards + Y = Elbow Smash. Vegita quickly moves to
the other side of the
opponent and smacks them with his elbow so hard, they fly
a great distance. A
confused opponent usually can't block it (which side to
I press?).
Unfortunately, this sends them REALLY far away, so you can't
easily follow it up
with another attack. 6/10
Down, Away + A = Renzoku Energy Dan (Repeating Energy Attack).
Vegita launches
3 Ki blasts in rapid succession. Quick, easy, and very effective.
Down, Up + A = Energy Geyser. Vegita turns, raises his hand,
and the ground
erupts with energy, sending the enemy flying. Great for
incoming attackers, or
the fool who wants to rush you on the ground. A slight lag
time, however, makes
it somewhat ineffective. 6/10
Down, Towards + A = KienZan (Power Ball). Vegita throws
a small disc which
heat-seeks the opponent. Great for stupid enemies that like
to hop back and
forth into the two playing fields. 7/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Big Bang Attack. Vegita charges
up, raises one hand
towards his opponent, and launches a large blast. I love
this attack, as it is
quick and easy to use if you're in close enough. It also
takes a relatively
small amount of Energy to use. 8/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Final Flash. Vegita charges
up, puts his palms
together, and launches a large, two-handed blast. Takes
a bit too long in close
for practical use, and takes too much energy to be worth
it (you'd have to
charge up a while to use this one). 6/10
% Towards, Away, Down, Up + Y = Super Meteo Hitting. Vegita
hits them up in the
air, smacks them back towards the ground, the stops them
and elbows them in the
other direction. Nice! 8/10
Vegita's attacks make him more of a horizontal fighter,
but if you work
vertically, you'll always have a good attack up your sleeve.
You can use his
diagonal kicks to catch people off guard, rush them with
a flurry of attacks,
then knock them up into the air, or down onto the ground,
followed by a KienZan
or Big Bang Attack. He's MY favorite fighter.
----V.C: Piccolo----
Piccolo is Gokou's oldest rival (unless you count Kuririn
or Yamcha). His
father was Piccolo Daimou, the evil incarnate that was released
from Kami
(Earth's God). Kami had to get rid of all the evil in his
body to become God,
and Piccolo was that evil. When Gokou finally killed Piccolo
Daimou, Piccolo
vowed his revenge, and spit out an egg with the present
Piccolo in it.
This Piccolo has fought alongside and against Gokou, but
has played an even
more important role in Gohan's life. As Gohan's fighting
trainer, he instilled
a fighting sense into Gohan. He even began to care for the
little tyke. After
a while, Piccolo gave up on the whole rivalry. Being a Namekian,
Piccolo has
the ability to regenerate lost limbs, extend body parts
great distances, and use
magical powers. You can play as Piccolo during the story
Move list:
Towards, Away, Towards + B = Double Horizontal Kick. Piccolo
flies forward with
a kick, then flies back to his starting point with another
kick. A good, quick
combo in itself. 7/10
(While in air) Towards, Down + B = Diving Flurry Kick. Piccolo,
while in the
air, can dive and kick his opponent into submission. If
it is blocked, he will
still kick rapidly, and fly to a safe distance. 6/10
Charge Away (2 seconds), Towards + X = Mystic Grab. Piccolo
extends his arm,
grabbing you from a distance and throwing you. Nice, but
a little too hard to
pull off. 5/10
Down, Towards + A = Seeking Ki Blast. Piccolo can create
a small blast that
seeks the enemy, like Vegita's KienZan. Good for stupid
people that like to
dodge attacks by hopping into the sky area and back. 7/10
Away, Towards + A = Eye Lasers. Piccolo's stare can kill!
Quick, but will
little range. 6/10
Away, Down + A = Mental Shocker. Piccolo can use his amazing
mental powers to
shock his opponents into a daze. This attack can cancel
out lots of attacks,
including Super Ki Blasts (if they're in close enough).
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Mankaksopoppo. Piccolo's infamous
"Special Beam
Cannon (::shudders:: that's not even CLOSE to what it translates
to!). What
else can I say? It doesn't take that long, it doesn't take
that much energy,
and it doesn't do that much damage. 7/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Gekiretsukodan. Piccolo's super-powerful
that comes from both arms. Launching 1 massive blast ain't
easy, you know.
% Towards, Away, Down, Up + Y = Aerial Bashing Meteo. Piccolo
hits them
upwards, then smacks them around while in the air. Sounds
painful, looks
painful. The range on it ain't too good, though... 6/10
Piccolo deals more in his range than his sheer strength
or speed. His attacks
can catch you at any distance, and can leave you reeling
when done well. Don't
spend too much time trying to get certain attacks to work,
though (Mystic Grab,
Aerial Bashing Meteo, etc).
----V.D: Son Gohan----
Gohan is the first son of Gokou and Chi-chi. Because his
father, Gokou, is a
Saiya-Jin, Gohan has lots of potential to be a great fighter.
Because of his
mother, a fussy human, he prefers to study instead of train.
After Gokou died
fighting Cell, Gohan killed Cell and took over the storyline
(however briefly).
You can play as Gohan during the story mode.
Move list:
Towards, Away, Towards + Y = Multi Punching. Gohan slides
forward punching
rapidly, then slides back. Nice combo damage if unblocked,
and usually dizzies.
(While in air) Towards, Down + B = Diving Kick Flurry. Gohan,
just like his
teacher, Piccolo, can dive out of the air and kick rapidly
at whatever he hits
(except the ground). 7/10
Charge Away (2 seconds), Towards + Y = Super Charging Fist.
Gohan slams his
opponent with a punch so hard the are sent flying. Quite
the nice attack, but a
little hard to get to working right. 6/10
Down, Away + A = Renzoku Energy Dan (Repeating Energy Attack).
Gohan can launch
3 Ki blasts in rapid succession. Irritating for those who
are in too close,
that's for sure. 8/10
Down, Towards + A = Seeking Ki Blast. Gohan can throw a
small Ki blast that
homes in on it's target. Great for stupid people lying on
the ground, because
as soon as they get up... 8/10
Towards, Away, Towards + A = Ki Slam. Gohan forces an attack
so fast that it's
nearly impossible to dodge (unless you have my reflexes).
This attack sends
them flying a great distance, just like his Super Charging
Fist. 7/10
Down, Up + A = Body Flare. Gohan can not only charge up
Ki, but can expell it
in the same manner, creating a temporary barrier around
him. Anyone trying to
attack him with a physical assault at that time will get
whomped. 7/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Masenkou. Gohan's trademark
attack, taught to him
by Piccolo. Quick and to the point, but (as with all the
weaker Super Ki
attacks) it's lacking in power. 7/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Kamehame-ha. Ah, his daddy's
training does show
through. Gohan finally uses an attack that his father taught
him (instead of
Piccolo). 8/10
% Towards, Away, Down, Up + B = Gohan's Meteo Extrodinaire.
Gohan performs his
father's meteo. Ok, now we're just being unoriginal on purpose!
Gohan has
short legs, so you have to be REALLY close for this to hit.
Gohan's safety relies on his use of random attacks. Don't
stick to punches or
kicks, nor should you use nothing but his Ki attacks. Try
to change it up
(Multipunching to Ki Slam, Body Flare to Seeking Ki Blast,
etc). Well, at least
he's better than SOME people in the game...
----V.E: Trunks----
Trunks is the son of Vegita and Bulma. He first arrived
from the future to
deliver a special medicine that would prevent Gokou from
dying. Because of
this, he created a seperate timeline that dealt with different
enemies than in
his own timeline. Because of his half-Saiya-Jin, half-human
blood, Trunks
(probably) has the same potential as Gohan and Goten. You
can Trunks during the
story mode.
Move list:
Down + B = Sliding Kick. Trunks can perform an easy tripping
attack by sliding
on the ground and kicking. Quick and effective. 7/10
Down, Towards + B = Super Sliding Kick. With this one, Trunks
runs at the enemy
and slides, going an even greater distance. This one is
MUCH better than the
regular. 8/10
Down, Towards + Y = Rushing Attacks. Trunks rushes forward,
punching and
kicking. A nice, quick combo, that can lead into several
things (like a meteo).
Charge Away (2 seconds), Towards + Y = Bakuken-Ha (Force
Attack). Trunks puts
both hands together and slams the opponent a great distance
away. This is like
Gokou and Gohan's Ki Slam, only with a closer range. They
never see it coming!
Down, Towards + A = Seeking Ki Blast. Trunks launches a
blast that seeks out
it's opponent. Great for catching those already on the ground.
Down, Away + A = Kakusan Energy Dan (3-Angled Energy Attack).
Trunks launches 3
Ki blasts parallel to each other. Very nice, since it's
quick and does a good
amount of damage. 8/10
Away, Down + A = Energy Zan (Ground Energy). Trunks can
throw a ki blast that
travels across the ground towards his opponent. Let's see
you duck under THIS
one, Cell Jr.! 8/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Burning Ki Blast. Trunks creates
a big ball of
energy, then sends it hurling at his opponent. Quick, effective,
and doesn't
take THAT much energy to use. 7/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Finish Buster. Trunks' likes
them neat hand
movements. He then fires off a large blast at his opponent.
% Towards, Away, Down, Up + B = Rushing Combo Meteo. Trunks'
meteo has him
rushing into his opponent, then pounding the crap out of
them as they fly along.
The range for this one ain't too good, though. 7/10
Trunks is like Vegita; he's more of a horizontal fighter
than Vegita is, though.
Trunks can knock you off your feet, send a ki blast through
one of your own, or
just plow through you with a barrage of kicks and punches.
Either way, he's
VERY good at what he does.
----V.F: Cell----
A long time ago, in Dragon Ball, Gokou destroyed the evil
organization known as
'Red Ribbon.' One person who worked there, Dr. Gero, decided
to get his revenge
on Gokou. He took DNA samples from Gokou, Gohan, Piccolo,
Vegita, Nappa,
Freeza, King Cold, and various other people, then used them
to create the
perfect warrior: Cell. Cell, once he absorbed Androids 17
and 18 became his
'Perfect Form', which is what he is in this game. In the
story mode, Cell
fights Mr. Satan (briefly), Gokou (sometimes), and whoever
you picked.
Move list:
Towards, Away, Towards + B = Body Blast. Cell lets loose
with a ki attack, but
it looks just like he's charging up, so don't be fooled!
Down, Towards + Y = Punch Uppercut-Kick Uppercut. Cell slides
forward and
delivers an uppercut with his fist, then flies upwards with
a kick, knocking the
other guy down. If you miss with it, though, look out. 6/10
Down, Towards + B = Sliding Double Kick. Cell slides forward
and kicks you in
the shin (unless you're Cell Jr., which would make it your
face), then kicks
again in your face (unless you're Brolie, which would make
it your chest). A
nice combo by itself, but if you miss... 6/10
Down, Up + A = Taiyo-Ken (Sun Attack). Cell creates a blinding
light that
temporarily stops the other guy (if not blocked). Great
for leading into a
combo, or Meteo. 8/10
Down, Away + A = Renzoku Energy Dan (Repeating Energy Attack).
Cell fires off 3
quick ki shots. Quick and effective, unless the other guy
is really short.
Away, Towards + A = Finger Laser. Cell fires a laser from
his finger. What
else is there to say? It's really quick, and can stop a
regular Ki shot. 6/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Kamehame-ha. Cell charges up
and lets loose with
Gokou's trademark attack (ok, so it's Kamesennin's trademark
attack; so sue me).
Quick and effective, especially if you're in close. 7/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Chou Kamehame-ha. Cell lets
loose with Gokou's
biggest attack (except for the Genki Tama, which they conviniently
left out of
this one). 8/10
% Charge Forward (2 seconds), Away + Y = Volleyball Kick-Spike.
Cell grabs his
opponent, throws them skyward, then spikes them into the
ground with a kick.
Painful, but hard to pull off. 6/10
Cell, as in all the games he's ever been in, is a powerhouse.
He pounds on you,
and if you get close, he'll throw you, meteo you, or just
plant you with a
couple of kicks. Cell's large size makes it hard to fight
against the shorter
people, but his attacks will still prevail for the good
----V.G: Cell Junior----
During the Cell game, Gohan had to participate against Cell.
Gokou kept telling
Gohan to get mad, so he could show Cell his true power,
but Gohan wouldn't.
Cell decided that he wanted to see this power, and created
several Cell Junior's
to go and beat up all his friends until he would fight.
In the story mode, you
fight Cell Jr. if you lose to Cell the first time, and a
few times when you're
searching for the Dragon Balls/Demon Towers.
Move list:
(While in the air) Towards, Down + B = Diving Kick Combo.
Cell Jr. can drop out
of the air with a kick, hit two more times, and then fly
back up into the air
with another kick. If you catch someone off guard with this...
Down-Away, Up-Towards + B = Triangle Kick. Junior can fly
diagonally upwards
with a kick, then drop straight down and slide back to his
original position
with another kick. It's a triangle, see? 8/10
Charge Back (2 seconds), Towards + B = Double Kick. Cell
Junior, with his small
size, can easily evade certain attacks and come back with
his own fun attacks,
like this one. He jumps towards and kicks twice. This kick'll
send you flying.
Towards, Away, Towards + B = Reverse Diving Kick Flurry.
Cell Junior's attacks
are VERY hard to block correctly, because you never know
where they're coming
from! This attack has him rushing behind his opponent, jumping,
and returning
with a flurry of kicks. Ouch times 2! 10/10
Away, Towards + A = Finger Laser. Cell Junior, just like
his father (I THINK
you can call him his father), can shoot a laser out of his
finger. How nice, a
blast right in the shins. 7/10
Down, Away + A = Renzoku Energy Dan (Repeating Energy Attack).
Cell Jr. can
throw 3 ki shots in rapid succession, just like almost everyone
else in this
game. His quick size makes it near-impossible to counter
this with your own set
of Renzoku Energy Dan, though. 8/10
Down, Towards + A = KienZan (Power Ball). Kuririn's trademark
attack is also
utilized by Vegita in this game. Cell Junior makes a small,
homing disk (a KI
disk, no less), and launches it. Great for those who like
to constantly dodge
attacks by hopping back and forth between the two fighting
areas. 8/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Mankaksopoppo. Cell Jr. can
use Piccolo's "screw
beam" blast. Great in close, where it doesn't take long,
and is likely to take
out your feet. 8/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Kamehame-ha. Cell Junior charges
up and lets loose
with SOMEONE's favorite blast (Kamesennin, Gokou, Goten,
etc). Painful, but
takes a lot of energy to use it (without tiring yourself).
The only character that really doesn't have a meteo! Cell
Junior's strength
certainly isn't mostly in his strength. His manuverability
and ability to catch
you completely off guard is what he's known for. Well, that
and being able to
walk under most Ki blasts. Stupid people shorter than me...
----V.H: Zangya----
Straight from Movie 9, this Villainess is a pirate from
the deep reaches of
space. She was Bojack's right hand-woman, and was a fierce
fighter. She was,
sadly, betrayed by Bojack in the end.
Move list:
Towards, Away, Towards + B = Sliding Kick-Reverse Elbow.
Zangya can slide
forward, past her opponent (doing damage), then return with
an elbow attack.
Quick, and useful against ki shots (dodge and RETURN!).
Down, Towards + A = Punching Combo. Zangya slowly moves
forward, punching.
Then she jumps, and flies into you with a kick. A little
too easy to block.
Down, Towards + A = Kicking Combo. Zangya slowly moves forward,
kicking. She
ends it with a slide move that knocks you off your feet.
Again, too easy to
block or counter. 5/10
Away, Towards + A = Finger Laser. Zangya shoots a quick
laser out of her
finger. Nice for stopping Cell Junior from trying something.
Away, Down + A = Energy Zan (Ground Energy). Zangya can
create a ki blast that
travels along the ground towards it's opponent. Quick, and
useful, especially
when Trunks tries one of his own. 7/10
Down, Away + A = Kakusan Energy Dan (Seeking Energy Attack).
Zangya, like
Trunks (again) can create 3 parallel ki shots. These will
tear through a
regular ki shot, and does a fair amount of damage. I like
this attack. 7/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Super Laser. Zangya charges
up and shoots a VERY
large laser at her opponents. Quick and painful, but doesn't
take much ki and
doesn't do that much damage. 7/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Ki Volleyball. Zangya creates
a ball of energy,
then serves it at you (like Jiisu did against Vegita). Not
exactly quick, but
for the damage it does... 7/10
% Away, Down, Towards + B = Somersault Strike. Zangya somersaults
towards her
opponent, then kicks straight down, sending them flying.
Too bad this doesn't
do the damage of a normal meteo. 6/10
% Towards, Away, Down, Up + B = Kick/Uppercut. Zangya kicks
them up into the
air, then uppercuts them. Doesn't do that much damage, and
let's face it, it's
just not as impressive as Trunks rushing someone and beating
them up.
Zangya is nothing more than a poor clone of Trunks. She
has rushing combos, but
they aren't very fast; she has all his ki attacks (except
for the homing shot);
she even creates a Ball that is launched at her enemy (as
a Super Blast). Sure,
she has 2 "meteos", but they probably shouldn't be considered
meteos because
they don't do NEAR as much damage as all the other ones.
Well, except for Cell
----V.I: Bojack----
The head pirate gangster from deep in space, Bojack came
from movie 9. He was
beaten by the Kaioh-Shins, and locked far, far away, but
now he's returned te
exact his vengence upon earth! Too bad he suddenly changes
from blue to green
(his character picture to his fighting picture).
Move list:
Towards, Away, Towards + B = Double Kick. Bojack slides
forward with a kick,
then jumps and dives with another kick. Quick and effective.
Down, Towards + Y = Double Knee Smack. Bojack slides backward,
like he was
dashing away, but then suddenly slides forward again and
hits with his knee,
then again with his knee extended. Not very effective, because
usually the
computer will catch you off guard with a ki shot to snap
you out of it. 5/10
A = REALLY Fast Ki Shot. I'm pretty sure Bojack has the
fastest ki shot in the
game (not counting Gohan/Gokou's Ki Slam). This sucker really
travels! 8/10
Away, Towards + A = Finger Laser. Geez, what's with all
the finger lasers?
EVERYONE seems to have them in THIS game! Well, it's still
effective, but not
as effective (or easy) as his regular ki shot. 6/10
Away, Down + A = Energy Zan (Ground Energy). Bojack launches
a ki blast that
travels the ground. This is good against people who like
to duck under you
projectiles (Cell Junior, Gohan, Vegita, Zangya...). 6/10
Down, Away + A = Tsuiseki Energy Dan (Chasing Energy Attack).
Bojack releases
an energy attack that homes in on it's target. Nice. 7/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Double-Hand Blast. Bojack grabs
one arm with the
other, and shoots a large blast at the other person. Quick,
but not always
reliable (I seem to do his regular Ki attack or a laser
instead). 6/10
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Super Double-Hand Blast. Bojack
charges up, then
does the same thing as his first Super Blast. Man, try something
new! At least
it does more damage... 8/10
% Away-Down, Towards-Up + B = Disappearing Kick. Bojack
disappears, then
reappears above where he was before, kicking. This attack
does a smaller amount
of damage as the regular meteos, but it's very quick and
easy to do. 8/10
% Towards, Away, Down, Up + B = Kick Meteo. Bojack kicks
low, then high, then
back into the ground. Not very cool looking, but it's pretty
effective and has
a nice range. 8/10
Bojack relies on his Ki attacks more than anything else.
His regular attacks
are there to back up his ki attacks if someone gets in too
close. And if they
do, they're in for a major headache!
----V.J: Brolie*----
Brolie is the true Legendary Super Saiya-Jin. He was BORN
in the Super Saiya-
Jin form, and later came out of it. His strength is phenominal,
but he is also
completely insane. He came from movies 8, 10, and 11.
Move list:
Charge Away (2 seconds), Towards + Y = Super Clothesline.
Brolie SLAMS you with
a clothesline. Man, that's gotta hurt! 7/10
Down, Towards + Y = Super Clothesline, Part 2. Brolie's
second clothesline
takes longer, but does more damage, and doesn't send you
flying across the
screen. Now THAT hurts. 7/10
Towards, Away, Towards + B = Machine Gun Kicks. Brolie rushes
forward, kicking
high, medium, and low. Geez, that hurts! 8/10
Down, Away + A = Renzoku Energy Dan (Repeating Energy Attack).
Brolie launches
3 speedy ki shots from 1 hand. Show off... 7/10
Down, Up + A = Ground Geyser. Brolie, like Vegita, can create
an energy flare
from the ground. It hurts dashing opponents, jumping opponents,
or people who
just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Takes a tad too much
energy for this to be effective, though. 6/10
Towards, Away, Towards + A = Ki Slam. Yup, Brolie has one
of these, too. He
launches a ki attack so fast you can't see it (except for
the radar), and so
powerful it sends you flying. 8/10
# Away, Down, Towards + A = Super Energy Ball. Brolie makes
a large ki ball
with one hand, then smashes it towards you with the other.
Quick and painful!
# Down, Away, Towards + A = Super Energy Throw. Brolie makes
a large ki ball
with the other hand, and hurls it at you. VERY painful.
Not as quick,
though... 8/10
% Towards, Away, Down, Up + B = Super Pile Driver. Brolie
kicks you up into the
sky, then grabs you and drives you into the ground. Geez,
if only pro wrestling
were this cool... 8/10
Brolie seems to be the best guy in the game. He hits fast,
he hits hard, and he
hits frequently. Anyone but Cell Junior would have a hard
time fighting him
because he can knock down anyone and everyone with a couple
of blows, then slam
them into the ground. If you learn just how to fight against
him, though,
you'll find that his attacks leave him wide open when he's
first doing them.
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
-------------------------VI: Character Rankings------------------------
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
This is where I tell what I think each character is ranked
next to each other in
different catagories.
----VI.A: Strongest----
10: Gokou. Ah, it's lonely at the top- er, bottom. He is
Mr. Combo, save his
Kamehame-has, meteo, and Ki slam. Oh well...
9: Piccolo. His attacks aren't really made for sheer damage.
8: Vegita. Combos are what this boy's about, not super slammin'!
7: Cell Junior. His attacks are shorter (get it?) than Trunks'
AND they do
less. What a crummy deal!
6: Trunks. His Double Hand stop hurts, and so does his sliding
5: Gohan. His Ki punch and Ki slam really knock them out!
4: Zangya. Her attacks are more damage based than combo
3: Cell. Ok, now we're just picking the bigger people.
2: Bojack. His bicycle kick attack alone should show you
1: Brolie. Let's face it, his attacks will destroy you!
----VI.B: Best Looking Meteo----
11: Cell Junior. Why? Because he doesn't have one!
10: Mr. Satan. Good ol' Mr. Satan. He's one step above Cell
Junior because
his name has less letters (unless you spell out "Mister").
9: Zangya. Stupid, stupid, stupid. No big explosions, just
a couple of hits
and an uppercut, or a kick. Well, at least she has one.
8: Bojack. Kicks? That's it? Oh well, at least it's better
than Zangya's...
7: Cell. Oh, great. A couple of kicks and he's done. Geez,
why aren't you
people trying?
5: Gohan/Gokou(tie). Kick, kick, kick, backflip, kick, etc.
Gokou sure taught
Gohan well, didn't he? After all, it's the same thing!
4: Brolie. Ouch. Being driven into the ground may hurt an
awful lot, and it's
pretty cool looking.
3: Piccolo. Hits you into the air, then pummels you into
a rock. You see,
THIS I like.
2: Vegita. Knocks them around, the stops them and hits them
backwards into a
rock. I like this.
1: Trunks. He rushes them and pummels them into a rock!
For an average
character, he has a great meteo!
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
------------------------------VII: Various-----------------------------
----Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super Butoden 2-Super
Butoden 2----
----A: Cheats----
1) Play as Gokou and Brolie: After Gokou is done speaking,
and it shows him
flying towards Kami's Lookout (all you see are his wrists),
put in this
Up, X, Down, C, L, Y, R, A.
You'll hear Brolie say "Kakarotto". That's how you know
you've done it right.
2) Turbo Mode: During the beginning sequence, hold in L
and R on controller 2.
----B: Revision History----
02-02-00: Created this FAQ
----C: Thanks----
Well, there's really no one to thank! I bought the game
from a friend online 4
years ago, and I've been quite happy with it since. If anyone
has anything to
contribute to it, please let me know.
Art of the Moment |

by Abe Stemmons