DBZ Movie 2, "The Worlds
The Summary
In this movie, Goku has to test his strength against the
evil Dr. Wheelo to preserve his body and save his friends,
and the world of course.
The movie begins with Dr. Wheelo's assistant searching for
Master Roshi,... who Dr. Wheelo indicates is the worlds strongest
fighter. After capturing him, They test him against some of
Dr. Wheelo's fighters. Though Roshi puts up a good fight,
he is unable to beat them, after all, he is just an old guy.
Amazingly, though Bulma, Dr. Wheelo learns that though Roshi
was the strongest fighter on the planet 50 years ago, that
title now belongs to a fellow named Goku (Goku, who is this
So guess what happens?
Yep, Dr. Wheelo has to find a way to bring Goku to him so
that he can take his body. With the combination of Goku's
body and Dr. Wheelo's brain, he would become the most powerful
being in the universe.
So guess what happens?
Well, I don't want to give away the ending for those who
haven't seen it, but the person who saves the day might surprise
The Review
You know what, I'm not a big fan of the DBZ Movies, and do
you want to know why? Because they're really not part of DBZ
at all. The movies are Akira's version of Marvel's "What If"
comics. In respect to the true story line, nothing in the
DBZ Movies actually happen. That's just great,....so we get
to see what if, and in this one I was challenged to pay attention,
at least the Tree of Might was fairly interesting. I haven't
seen this movie in a while, and if you asked me, I probably
wouldn't watch it again. I would rather watch something more
along the lines of X or some serious cinematic anime if its
going to take anywhere close to two hours of my time.
For a DBZ episode, the animation sucks when you compare it
to the animation of the later Cell Saga episodes and after,
which is fairly amusing because you generally thing you would
spend more time and money on the animation quality. However,
compared to the animation at the time the movie came out,
it was pretty good.
However, it was fairly fluid, but again nothing that I was
really impressed with.
Eh,... again there were some pretty good scenes, and then
again it was all lackluster by comparison. They could have
done so much more with it.
Not even worth mentioning.
For the time this came out, it was pretty good. The monologue
of Dr. Wheelo being trapped in his cybernetic machine, preserving
nothing but his brain while his assistant helped him was pretty
interesting, and the fact that he could sense Gohan's power
levels was also portrayed very well, "No, don't make him angry!"
However, once again. With a title like, "The World's Strongest"
SOOOOOO Much more could have been done with this. I mean,
how about some SUPER SAIYAN ACTION!
Voice Acting:
Well, its the same guys from the CN Eps, so this was actually
pretty good. I and the rest of the DBZN are in agreement that
the voice actor for Goku should win some kind of an award
for best possible translation in terms of voice quality.
Plot, what plot? This movie actually never happened in the
DBZ universe. It is merely a figment of your imagination!
The idea of this movie was good, but a little more development,
character rendering, and agreement with the Manga and TV episodes
would have dome this Movie wonders. Too Bad.
(Sighs) I'm picky, I know. That's why I get to review all
of these lovely movies and episodes, good and bad. This one
was just slightly below par, and the purpose seemed more like,
"Lets get a few more dollars out of our loyal fans" than,
"Lets make a truly epic movie whose glory shall be praised
in songs of yore for eons!"
The Celestrian gives The World's (Not Quite) Strongest:
5 Dragon Balls out of 7
-The Celestrian