DBZ TV Special 2, "The History of Trunks"
The Summary
All of Earth's finest warriors but Gohan and Trunks die at the hands of two merciless androids who are terrorizing the entire planet.
The androids attack and Trunks, against his mother's will, heads off to fight them. When he arrives at the scene, he finds no one but Gohan... then the movie begins...
Gohan, discovering Trunks' incredible potential, (Trunks hasn't been trained up to this point) takes him under his wing. Over a short period of time, Trunks is almost a Super Saiyan.
The next time the androids attack, Gohan and Trunks show up in time to fight them. Gohan takes on the maniacle robots while Trunks watches. When Gohan begins to lose, Trunks steps in to handle Android 18. He's almost immediately killed, but Gohan manages to save him before Android 18 extinguishes his life. They flee, but only manage to hide nearby. Android 18 fires a massive blast of energy in all directions, hoping to eradicate the Saiyans.
After the Androids leave, we see an armless Gohan and a near-dead Trunks lying on the decimated ground. One senzu bean left. Gohan gives it to Trunks. When Trunks wakes up, he takes Gohan to Bulma and a week later Gohan is healed.
During training at a later date, the androids attack again, and Gohan and Trunks fire up and get ready to battle. Gohan and Trunks argue over whether or not Trunks can come to help fight off the androids, but Gohan tricks Trunks, and knocks him unconscious because he knows that's the only way Trunks won't go.
Want to know the ending? Go watch the movie...
The Review
Probably the best FUNimation-produced DBZ movie out right now. Good quality, good plot-line, good animation... it's a buy you won't regret.
Very good. It's quite up-to-par, and I was rather impressed. There wasn nothing TOO exciting, but it was nice, and I have no complaints.
Good. The fight scenes were good. We didn't see the same attacks over and over again, and there some really original things going on. Not bad at all.
Here's where I start to play with fire. I liked the music. It was unique, and won't be found in any other DBZ you watch. Especially notable was the introductory music. You either love it, or you hate it, and I was pleased.
Here's where I start to play with fire. I liked the music. It was unique, and won't be found in any other DBZ you watch. Especially notable was the introductory music. You either love it, or you hate it, and I was pleased.
Voice Acting:
Some good, some bad. Mostly good. Trunks' voice was good, and so was Bulma's... Gohan's was pretty bad. Once you get used to it, it's okay, but I didn't personally care much for it.
Good! Especially since it ties in with the actual DBZ story-line. I liked the plot. It was believable (except for Trunks not training any sooner than he did, and how easily he became a Super Saiyan). There were some somewhat unbelievable things, like when Gohan gets killed by the androids... oops... I've already spoiled too much.
Score! My favorite FUNi-produced movie. Good animation, music, fight scenes, and story-line. A must-buy, and I'm glad I own it. I've watched it several times, and I've never been disappointed with it. If you haven't seen this movie, you're missing out on some of FUNi's best work. If it comes down to choosing between this and Lord Slug, CHOOSE THIS!
Madd Skittle gives The History of Trunks:
6 Dragon Balls out of 7
-Madd Skittle